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continues to empower entrepreneurs. We’ve already covered some of its most successful graduates — 继续赋予企业家权力。 我们已经介绍了一些最成功的毕业生 and 和 . Today we’ll be discussing Hamstand — a modular hub that simplifies the process of mobile app testing. Let’s talk about how it came to be, why it’s a welcome addition to many developers’ toolkits, and what awaits the project in the near future. 。 今天,我们将讨论Hamstand,这是一个简化移动应用程序测试过程的模块化中心。 让我们来谈谈它的发展历程,为什么它成为许多开发人员工具包中受欢迎的添加,以及不久的将来该项目会有什么等待。

这个主意 (The idea)

Modern app testing comes with a number of logistical issues. Developers have to account for OS/device combinations, which means keeping track of far too much hardware. Phones get lost, batteries get drained, and valuable time gets wasted on the setup instead of actual work. Smaller businesses often tackle this problem with spreadsheets and dedicated Slack channels, but this approach doesn’t scale well.

现代应用程序测试附带许多后勤问题。 开发人员必须考虑操作系统/设备组合,这意味着要跟踪太多的硬件。 手机会丢失,电池会耗尽电量,宝贵的时间会浪费在设置上,而不是实际工作上。 小型企业通常使用电子表格和专用的Slack渠道来解决此问题,但是这种方法的伸缩性不好。

Larger teams build custom storage solutions, which are often ugly and space-consuming.


Hamstand is an attempt to solve this issue once and for all. It goes an extra mile, storing, charging, and keeping track of your mobile devices without compromising on space, aesthetics, or user experience.

Hamstand试图一劳永逸地解决此问题。 它不费吹灰之力,可以存储,充电和跟踪您的移动设备,而不会影响空间,美观或用户体验。

The team entered our accelerator during the prototyping stage. By that time they were already fine-tuning their PCBs, integrating them into the case, and working on the software.

团队在原型制作阶段进入了我们的加速器。 到那时,他们已经在微调他们的PCB,将它们集成到机箱中,并在软件上工作。

— the Hamstand team.


解决方案 (The solution)

Hamstand is a wooden storage cabinet with a twist. Each of its drawers features custom PCBs with RFID-tracking capabilities. Depending on the configuration, you can house up to eight devices per drawer. All drawers are outfitted with backlighting and a sturdy lock. The cabinet comes with a wooden stand for the iPad that acts as the control unit, as well as an RFID sensor that scans employee cards for authorization. You can enhance the security of the setup by incorporating face recognition technology.

Hamstand是带有扭曲的木制储物柜。 它的每个抽屉都具有带有RFID跟踪功能的定制PCB。 根据配置,每个抽屉最多可容纳八个设备。 所有抽屉均配有背光和坚固的锁。 内阁配备了一个木制iPad支架(可作为控制单元),以及一个RFID传感器,可扫描员工卡以获得授权。 您可以通过合并面部识别技术来增强设置的安全性。

After your gadgets’ RFID tags are added to the system, it starts keeping track of their status. A separate server-side application is necessary to use multiple Hamstand units at once, or to connect them to your employee database. If you’d rather customise the system, you can do it using the API.

将小工具的RFID标签添加到系统后,它将开始跟踪其状态。 必须使用单独的服务器端应用程序才能一次使用多个Hamstand单元,或将它们连接到员工数据库。 如果您希望自定义系统,则可以使用API​​进行。

建立第一个原型 (Builing the first prototype)

The first Hamstand prototype took about a year to make. The team went over multiple iterations of both the electronics behind the product and its visual design.
第一个Hamstand原型制作耗时约一年。 团队审查了产品背后的电子及其视觉设计的多次迭代。
An early sketch of the product产品的早期草图
Early 3D mockups (left and centre), one of the later iterations (right).早期的3D模型(左和中),后期的迭代之一(右)。
A wooden prototype木制原型
The end result最终结果

Aesthetics were of utmost importance. If they were to sell Hamstand to IT companies, it had to look the part in upscale office environments. The team spent a lot of time looking for subcontracters who could deliver the quality. The wooden look makes it stand out. This material is rarely used for enterprise IT solutions.

美学是最重要的。 如果他们要将Hamstand出售给IT公司,则必须在高端办公环境中扮演重要角色。 团队花费大量时间寻找可以交付高质量产品的分包商。 木质外观使其脱颖而出。 这种材料很少用于企业IT解决方案。

The first batch of PCBs turned out badly. RFID antennae generated significant electromagnetic interference.

首批PCB表现不佳。 RFID天线产生明显的电磁干扰。

The contents of an early prototype drawer早期原型抽屉的内容
Failed attempt to get rid of RFID interference with a layer of alluminium foil尝试消除铝箔层的RFID干扰的尝试失败

To this day, the electrical components of the Hamstand are being continously improved to save space and increase efficiency. Control unit software also changed during the prototyping process. The team tried a bunch of various UI and UX approaches, ultimately settling on this elegant and easy-to-use interface:

时至今日,Hamstand的电气组件也在不断改进,以节省空间并提高效率。 在原型制作过程中,控制单元软件也发生了变化。 团队尝试了许多不同的UI和UX方法,最终选择了这个优雅且易于使用的界面:

The final, serial design of the PCBPCB的最终串行设计
The main UI of the control unit控制单元的主界面
The user view and the device view 用户视图和设备视图

未来的计划 (Future plans)

Hamstand has already begun testing their product “in the wild”, at the offices of a large Russian developer that wishes to remain anonymous. Over the course of these tests, the team discovered that the drawers were developing cracks in arid conditions. All the new units now come with a protective coating that prevents this from happening. Company employees also took issue with the cabinet’s weight: the 40+ device, 6-drawer configuration was simply too heavy. As a result, the cabinet was redesigned and is now 35% lighter.

Hamstand已经开始在一家希望保持匿名的俄罗斯大型开发商的办公室“野外”对其产品进行测试。 在这些测试过程中,研究小组发现抽屉在干旱条件下会产生裂缝。 现在所有新设备都带有保护涂层,可防止这种情况的发生。 公司员工还对机柜的重量产生了疑问:40多个设备,6抽屉的配置实在太重了。 结果,对橱柜进行了重新设计,现在减轻了35%的重量。


Right now the team is actively looking for new customers at tech conferences and on social media. Lamoda — the Russian e-commerce giant, and Playrix — the game dev company — have expressed interest in their product. And large companies aren’t the only ones taking note. Last year the team received a custom order from a freelance tester, who wanted a smaller version of the product that would double as a monitor stand.

目前,该团队正在技术会议和社交媒体上积极寻找新客户。 俄罗斯电子商务巨头Lamoda和游戏开发公司Playrix对他们的产品表示了兴趣。 大型公司并不是唯一需要注意的公司。 去年,该团队从一名自由测试人员那里收到了一份定制订单,该测试人员想要一个较小的产品版本,可以兼作显示器支架。

“According to our estimates, we have around a thousand potential clients in Russia alone. We plan on acquiring at least 10% of this market and using the revenue to establish our presence in the European Union and the United States” — the Hamstand team.
“根据我们的估计,仅在俄罗斯,我们就有大约一千个潜在客户。 我们计划至少收购这个市场的10%,并利用这些收入来建立我们在欧盟和美国的业务”-Hamstand团队。

The Hamstand team is developing custom solutions to expand their market reach. Hospitals that use tablets to update their patients’ medical records will benefit from a Hamstand with a built-in disenfecting system. Industrial corporations have expressed interest in a modified version that keeps track of factory workers’ tools.

Hamstand团队正在开发定制解决方案,以扩大其市场范围。 使用平板电脑更新患者病历的医院将受益于带有内置消毒系统的Hamstand。 工业公司已经表达了对跟踪工厂工人工具的修改版本的兴趣。

认识团队 (Meet the team)

The Hamstand team consists of just three people: Dmitry Apekhtin, Sergey Glagolev and Oleg Karakyan.

Hamstand团队只有三人组成:Dmitry Apekhtin,Sergey Glagolev和Oleg Karakyan。

The Hamstand teamHamstand团队

Dmitry, the CEO of Hamstand, is a graduate of the ITMO Univerisity’s Optical technology MA program. He’s responsible for the financial wellbeing of the company, the quality of the end product, its software, and design.

Hamstand的首席执行官Dmitry毕业于ITMO Uniiverisity的光学技术MA计划。 他负责公司的财务状况,最终产品的质量,软件和设计。

— Dmitry Apekhtin

—德米特里·阿佩克丁(Dmitry Apekhtin)

Sergey, the CTO of the company, also holds a Master’s degree from ITMO. As a postgrad, he studied robotics and control systems. He is designing both the hardware and the software that makes Hamstand work.

该公司的首席技术官谢尔盖(Sergey)还拥有ITMO的硕士学位。 作为研究生,他研究了机器人技术和控制系统。 他正在设计使Hamstand正常工作的硬件和软件。

— Sergey Glagolev


Oleg is a graduate of both the Bauman Moscow State Technical University and the Moscow Polytechnic University. After getting his degree in metalworking, he moved on to study technological entreperneurship. Today he’s the director of growth at Hamstand, responsible for marketing the product and generating sales.

奥列格(Oleg)毕业于鲍曼莫斯科国立技术大学和莫斯科工业大学。 获得金属加工学位后,他继续研究技术创业。 今天,他是Hamstand的增长总监,负责产品营销和销售。

— Oleg Karakyan

—奥列格·卡拉扬(Oleg Karakyan)

P.S. If you’re interested in Hamstand and want to have a word with the team behind this product, please DM us!


进一步阅读: (Further reading:)



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